The best movie I've ever saw If I could advice only one movie, let me say to you that if you haven't seen it see it. It's not about time. It's about what grows inside of us with time, it's about relationships, love, family. It's about what's important. About what we can change in our lifes and what we must accept. It's about discovering what's important to you.

I don't think it's about time. But about what we do with it.
The plot. I felt surprisinly attracted to this movie after seeing the trailer when the plot wasn't exactly my thing: time travel. Oh, my heart was right.
A father tells his 21 years old son that is the moment for him to know one thing about the men in his family. They can travel in time. But just to things they have already lived.
Dad: You can't kill Hitler or shag Helen of Troy!
And then boy meets girl.
But an unfortuned time travel undones this.
Tim's Mum: And what are your faults? I mean, little weaknesses.
Mary: Well, I'm very insecure.
Tim's Mum: Sweet.
And so we go through this boy's life as it was a song. It's a sincere ode to life, the simple things in life: the people we love and the complications that come from this.
There are other better marvelous quotes but I don't want to give away the movie. It's too good.
Tim: There's a song by Baz Luhrmann called Sunscreen. He says worrying about the future is a as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubble gum. The real troubles in your life will always be things that never crossed your worried mind.
The movie begins in the New Years Eve. I find it one of the best movies to watch now that a year ends and new one begins. Let's celebrate the gift of time!
WARNING: You'll not live the day as you would before watching this movie.
Second Warning: There is a slight possibility if you are a dreamer like me that you'll eventually end up in a closet, closing your eyes and fists and trying to time travel. I actually think I did.
About Time (2013)
Writer and Director: Richard Curtis
Staring: Domhnall Gleeson, Rachel McAdams, Bill Nighy
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